Scrubbing Crypto

Scrubbing crypto is the process of hiding where your crypto went (or came from).

How do jealous exes, business competition, and 3 letter agencies trace your crypto? It's the same way they trace bank transfers. They just look at your transaction history. Who have you sent crypto to, who did you get that crypto from?

Now, how do we stop them from seeing how much money we have, where it went, or where it came from? Monero.

Monero is a blockchain similar to Bitcoin. What makes Monero unique is the fact that transactions are hidden. The amounts you send/receive and who you send to/from are completely hidden. So no one but you can see how much money you have.

Now lets say you have Bitcoin. You want to keep it in Bitcoin, but you don't want anyone to know it's yours. The steps to anonomise it are simple!

It is crucial you hide your IP. DONT USE A VPN, use Tor.
  1. Create a Monero wallet and configure it to use Tor. DO NOT use an exchange. Use a wallet that you host locally. Monero GUI Wallet and Feather wallet are good choices. You can find links here.

  2. Within the Tor Browser, open a KYC-less and account-less crypto exchange. You can find a KYC-less crypto exchange here. A KYC-less crypto exchange is an exchange that lets you swap crypto without giving identification. Don't trust those exchanges with your ID. What if they get hacked? What if someone holds a gun to their head forcing them to hand over information?

  3. Send your Bitcoin to the exchange and convert it to Monero.

  4. When you receive the Monero, reset your Tor session in the browser.

  5. Now create a new Bitcoin wallet, you want a fresh wallet that has 0 transaction history.

  6. Now go to a different crypto exchange and swap the Monero back to Bitcoin, and provide them your new Bitcoin wallet. It is CRUCIAL that converting monero to bitcoin, and bitcoin back to monero use 2 different Tor identities and 2 different exchanges.

Congratulations! Now you have a Bitcoin wallet with money no one can prove you have!